Saturday, May 18, 2024

Star One Comics 16 - Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai - The Cleanliness Drive

Just few days ago, I have posted an article on the Star TV Comics - 

Here is one of them -  
Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai - The Cleanliness Drive
(It has been posted by me during 2020, but later removed it from the blog due to some issues)

Meanwhile, this is a comical representation of the best sitcom ever produced on Indian Television i.e. Sarabhai Vs. Sarabhai 

If you have loved the show, you will also like the comics - given it should have been in Hindi and not in the English - as sometimes it feels hard to connect with them due to the language difference. 

Disclaimer - The comics is the copyright content of the respected owners. As it is out of print and extremely hard to find. The sole purpose of sharing it online is to create awareness and love for the Indian comics. 

With Love Anupam Agrawal and The ICE Project

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